Maxon公布cinema 4D R23

2020年9月9日行业资讯 影视工业评论4,9544

Enhancements to Animation, Character and UV Workflows, Magic Bullet Looks Integration, and New Scene Nodes System Among the Many New Features文章源自狐狸影视城-

增强了动画,角色和UV工作流,Magic Bullet外观集成,和新的场景节点系统在许多新功能文章源自狐狸影视城-

Maxon公布cinema 4D R23
Friedrichsdorf, Germany – September 8, 2020 – In conjunction with their own live, virtual 3D Motion and Design Show and the IBC 2020 conference, Maxon today announced the availability of Cinema 4D Release 23 (R23). The next generation of Maxon’s professional 3D software delivers powerful enhancements to its animation and UV workflows, character animation toolset, and the inclusion of Magic Bullet Looks technology. The introduction of the new Scene Nodes system provides a preview of the performance customers can expect in future developments of Cinema 4D. Plugin developers will appreciate the update to Python 3, and creative pipelines will benefit from the inclusion of USD import/export and updates to FBX and OBJ handling. R23 is available immediately for subscription holders and is available as an upgrade for perpetual license holders.文章源自狐狸影视城-

Friedrichsdorf,德国 - 2020年9月8日 - 结合他们自己的平台,3D Motion and Design Show和IBC 2020大会,Maxon今天宣布推出Cinema 4D Release 23 (R23)。下一代Maxon的专业3D软件为其动画和UV工作流、角色动画工具集以及Magic Bullet look技术提供了强大的增强功能。新场景节点系统的引入提供了Cinema 4D在未来发展的预期性能的预览。插件开发人员感谢Python 3的更新,creative pipelines将受益于包含对FBX和OBJ处理的USD导入/导出和更新。R23立即可供订阅持有人使用,并可作为永久许可证持有人的升级。文章源自狐狸影视城-

See Cinema 4D R23 in Action at IBC 2020文章源自狐狸影视城-

在IBC 2020看到Cinema 4D R23在行动

Maxon will debut the feature performance in Cinema 4D R23 at this year’s virtual IBC Showcase. Tune in online at from September 8 - 11, for exclusive presentations from world-leading 3D and animation artists.文章源自狐狸影视城-

Maxon将在今年的虚拟IBC展示会上首次亮相Cinema 4D R23的功能表演。从9月8至11日开始,在3DMotionShow.com在线收看世界领先的3D和动画艺术家的独家演示。文章源自狐狸影视城-

“Cinema 4D R23 delivers robust advancements to the animation workflows and core technologies that empower 3D artists to create content intuitively and to the highest production standards,” said Dave McGavran, Maxon CEO. “We look forward to debuting all that is creatively possible with R23 alongside innovations from our sister companies Red Giant, Redshift, and partners.”文章源自狐狸影视城-

“Cinema 4D R23为动画工作流程和核心技术提供了强大的进步,使3D艺术家能够直观地创建内容最高的生产标准,” maxon首席执行官Dave McGavran说。“我们期待着R23与我们的姐妹公司红巨人、红移和合作伙伴一起推出所有创造性的创新。”文章源自狐狸影视城-

Cinema 4D R23 Feature Highlights文章源自狐狸影视城-

Cinema 4D R23特色亮点

  • New Character Animation Tools: Includes new Character Solver and Delta Mush workflows as well as a new Pose Manager and Toon/Face Rigs.
  • 新角色动画工具: 包括新的角色解算器和Delta Mush工作流以及新的姿态管理器和卡通/面部装备。
  • Animation Workflow: Better Keyframing, Filters for the Timeline and Attributes Manager, and more.
  • 动画工作流: 更好的关键帧,时间线和属性管理器等的过滤器。
    UV Workflows: All the powerful UV editing capabilities introduced in Cinema 4D S22 (the subscription-only upgrade) plus new tools geared toward UV workflows for hard-surface models.
  • UV工作流: Cinema 4D S22中引入的所有强大的UV编辑功能 (仅订阅升级) 以及面向UV工作流的硬表面模型新工具。
  • Magic Bullet Looks Integration: Easily apply one of over 200 preset film looks, import LUTs, or work with individual tools for color correction, film grain, chromatic aberration and much more.
  • 集成Magic Bullet Looks: 轻松应用200多种预设胶片Looks中的一种,导入LUTs,或者使用单独的工具进行色彩校正、调整胶片颗粒、色差等。
  • Scene Nodes: Scene Nodes allows users to explore massive Distributions and Procedural Modeling in advance of the further Cinema 4D core engine development for optimal creativity and experimentation.
  • 场景节点:场景节点允许用户在Cinema 4D核心引擎开发之前,探索大规模分布式和程序化建模,以实现最佳创意和实验。

Cinema 4D R23 Pricing and Availability文章源自狐狸影视城-

Cinema 4D R23定价和供货情况文章源自狐狸影视城-

Cinema 4D R23 can be downloaded from September 9, 2020 and is available for both macOS and Windows.文章源自狐狸影视城-

Cinema 4D R23可从2020年9月9日起下载适用于macOS和Windows。文章源自狐狸影视城-

System Requirements 系统要求文章源自狐狸影视城-

Pricing Information 定价信息文章源自狐狸影视城-

About Maxon文章源自狐狸影视城-

Maxon is a developer of professional 3D modeling, painting, animation and rendering solutions. In January, Maxon and Red Giant closed a merger of the two companies. The combined company’s award-winning Cinema 4D, Redshift 3D and Red Giant products have been used extensively to help create and render everything from stunning visual effects in top feature films, TV shows and commercials, cutting-edge game cinematics for AAA games, as well as for medical illustration, architectural and industrial design applications. Maxon products are available directly from the website and its worldwide distribution network. Maxon is part of the Nemetschek Group.文章源自狐狸影视城-

Maxon是一家专业3D建模、绘画、动画和渲染解决方案的开发商。2020年1月,Maxon和红巨人完成两家公司的合并。合并后的公司屡获殊荣的Cinema 4D、Redshift 3D红巨人产品已被广泛用于帮助创建和渲染顶级故事片、电视节目和商业广告中令人惊叹的视觉效果,AAA游戏中的尖端游戏电影,以及医学插图,建筑和工业设计应用。Maxon产品可直接从网站及其全球分销网络获得。Maxon是Nemetschek集团的一员。文章源自狐狸影视城-

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  • 本文由 发表于 2020年9月9日
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