jsx 脚本文件 | 含使用教程 | 267MB 文章源自狐狸影视城-https://fox-studio.net/27951.html
【电脑翻译】 一个二维 parallaxer for Adobe After Effects 脚本是创建简单的侧滚动动画这是高度可定制的和易于使用的。文章源自狐狸影视城-https://fox-studio.net/27951.html
创建一个新的组成在 After Effects 在所需的大小,帧速率,和长度。运行脚本添加到您的新的二维 parallaxer COMP。水平和垂直视差之间选择 parallaxing 和数层时,设置你的动画。organizes 脚本创建和必要的元素在你的项目文件和三维层的组成不使用或相机。文章源自狐狸影视城-https://fox-studio.net/27951.html
您可以添加在您的 parallaxing 镜头之间的主层和服务层组成,可以添加到你的运动元素,通过脚本生成空的列。文章源自狐狸影视城-https://fox-studio.net/27951.html
【原文】 文章源自狐狸影视城-https://fox-studio.net/27951.html
2D Parallaxer is a script for Adobe After Effects that creates simple side-scrolling animation that is customizable and easy to use. 文章源自狐狸影视城-https://fox-studio.net/27951.html
Create a new composition inside After Effects at the desired size, frame rate and length. Run the script to add 2D Parallaxer to your new comp. Choose between horizontal and vertical parallax and the number of parallaxing layers when setting up your animation. The script creates and organizes the necessary elements in your project file and composition without the use of 3D layers or a camera. 文章源自狐狸影视城-https://fox-studio.net/27951.html
Easily add footage between your parallaxing layers in your main composition, and parent those added layers to your moving elements through script-generated nulls. 文章源自狐狸影视城-https://fox-studio.net/27951.html