达芬奇 11,世界上最先进的彩色校正与专业多轨编辑,您可以编辑,颜色正确,完成并交付所有从一个系统!达芬奇解决完全可伸缩和分辨率独立,所以可用于集, 在一个小工作室或最大集成到好莱坞生产管道!只有达芬奇解决功能创新工具、兼容性、速度和传奇的图像质量, 你需要管理你的整个工作流程,这就是为什么它是一个解决方案用于好莱坞故事片。文章源自狐狸影视城-https://fox-studio.net/17577.html
DaVinci Resolve 11 combines the world』s most advanced color corrector with professional multi track editing, so now you can edit, color correct, finish and deliver all from one system! Davinci Resolve is completely scalable and resolution independent so it can be used on set, in a small studio or integrated into the largest Hollywood production pipeline! Only DaVinci Resolve features the creative tools, compatibility, speed and legendary image quality you need to manage your entire workflow, which is why it is the number one solution used on Hollywood feature films. 文章源自狐狸影视城-https://fox-studio.net/17577.html

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