专业视频编辑软件 Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014 v8.0.0.169 Portable 便携式绿色版 (免安装注册)

2014 年 6 月 28 日资源分享 Premiere 资源38,3431

专业视频编辑软件Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014 v8.0.0.169 Portable便携式绿色版(免安装注册)文章源自狐狸影视城-https://fox-studio.net/14758.html

专业视频编辑软件 Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014 v8.0.0.169 Portable 便携式绿色版 (免安装注册文章源自狐狸影视城-https://fox-studio.net/14758.html

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 8 为视频制作软件提供突破性的性能, 使您更快的大大感谢革命原生 64 位,GPU-accelerated Adobe 汞播放引擎。Adobe Premiere Pro CC 作品本身与你想要的视频格式和加速生产从剧本到编辑, 编码, 和最终交付。节省时间与行业领先的本地无带的工作流, 消除代码转换和 rewrapping, 同时保留原始的你的画面质量。Adobe Premiere Pro CC 捕获和日志从几乎任何相机镜头。导入和导出苹果 Final Cut Pro 和 Adobe Premiere Pro CC 的狂热的项目, 这样你就可以探索新的可能性和 After Effects,Photoshop, 和其他 Adobe 软件, 省时的 Adobe 工具之间的集成项目中创建这些其他 NLEs。文章源自狐狸影视城-https://fox-studio.net/14758.html

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 8 software offers breakthrough performance for video production, enabling you to work dramatically faster thanks to the revolutionary native 64-bit, GPU-accelerated Adobe Mercury Playback Engine. Adobe Premiere Pro CC works natively with the video formats you want and accelerate production from scriptwriting to editing, encoding, and final delivery. Save time with industry-leading native tapeless workflows, which eliminate transcoding and rewrapping, while preserving the pristine quality of your footage. Adobe Premiere Pro CC captures and logs footage from virtually any camera. Import and export Apple Final Cut Pro and Avid projects in Adobe Premiere Pro CC so you can explore new possibilities with After Effects, Photoshop, and other Adobe software, bringing timesaving integration between Adobe tools to projects created in these other NLEs. 文章源自狐狸影视城-https://fox-studio.net/14758.html

附件下载:       下载地址文章源自狐狸影视城-https://fox-studio.net/14758.html

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