Renderking – Vray Texture Pack v3.01 UPDATE

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Renderking – Vray Texture Pack v3.01 UPDATE文章源自狐狸影视城-

C4D Vray 纹理材质包 Renderking–Vray Texture Pack v3 for C4D 免费下载文章源自狐狸影视城-

2 k 无缝纹理文章源自狐狸影视城-

我们的纹理都是 2048×2048 高模像素, 给你一个高质量和高水平的细节, 包括许多分层纹理:diffuse, specular, normal, bump, diplacement.。文章源自狐狸影视城-


Vray Texture Pack v3 支持 MAC 和 PC。你可以将它安装在 Cinema 4d r13 – r17。Vray texture pack 3 纹理包支持 Vray 1.9 for c4d 文章源自狐狸影视城-

Renderking Vrayforc4d new material pack (released 4/16). 150 materials total. Cinema4d and Vray only. Our texture are all 2048×2048 pixel seamless to give you a great quality and a high level details, they are made by many layers: diffuse, specular, normal, bump, diplacement.
Vray Texture Pack v3 is made for MAC and PC. You can install it on Cinema 4d r13 / r17.Vray texture pack 3 is developed with Vray 1.9 and it』s Distribuited rendering READY! 文章源自狐狸影视城- 文章源自狐狸影视城-

  • 本文由 发表于 2016 年 6 月 26 日
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