GrassValley EDIUS Pro 7.4.2 build 0020

2015年2月27日资源分享 Edius资源58,3825

GrassValley EDIUS Pro 7.4.2 build 0020文章源自狐狸影视城-

本软件是由GrassValley机构出品的GrassValley EDIUS剪辑软件V7.4.2版,GrassValley EDIUS Pro 7.4.2 Build 0020,大小:500 MB,语言:英语。文章源自狐狸影视城-

EDIUS是日本canopus公司的优秀非线性编辑软件。EDIUS非线性编辑软件专为广播和后期制作环境而设计,特别针对新闻记者、无带化视频 制播和存储。EDIUS拥有完善的基于文件工作流程,提供了实时、多轨道、多格式混编、合成、色键、字幕和时间线输出功能。除了标准的EDIUS系列格 式,还支持 Infinity™ JPEG 2000、DVCPRO、P2、VariCam、Ikegami GigaFlash、MXF 、XDCAM和XDCAM EX视频素材。同时支持所有DV、HDV摄像机和录像机。文章源自狐狸影视城-

GrassValley EDIUS Pro 7.4.2 Build 0020文章源自狐狸影视城-

Edit Anything, Anywhere文章源自狐狸影视城-

EDIUS Pro 7 is the fastest and most versatile real time editing software — 4K, 3D, HD, SD and almost any format from 24×24 to 4Kx2K, all on the same timeline, even in nested sequences, all in real time. EDIUS Pro 7 gives you the ability to handle more resolutions, unlimited tracks and real-time editing for the ability to Edit Anything, Anywhere. EDIUS Pro 7 is the perfect finishing tool for broadcast news, newsmagazine content and studio programs, as well as corporate, documentary and 4K theatrical productions. And now EDIUS has partnered with Blackmagic Design to support its PCIe DeckLink 4K Extreme and Thunderbolt-based UltraStudio 4K capture and playback devices for the most affordable 4K workflows. EDIUS Pro 7 also supports EDL project import/export color correction interchange with DaVinci Resolve for a new color grading workflow.文章源自狐狸影视城-

  • 本文由 发表于 2015年2月27日
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评论:5   其中:访客  3   博主  2
    • 斌哥
      斌哥 0


      • 9090950
        9090950 1


          • 千年骚狐

            @ 9090950 ED没怎么用过,我用pr的原因,只是因为他和ae au ps 等 动态链接,无需输出影片,还有sg调色。无缝衔接。

              • 9090950
                9090950 1

                @ 千年骚狐 呵呵,这么快就回复了。我用过几天的ED,剪片大体与premiere类似,不过还没有用到调色这样高档功能。经你这么一说坚定了我学习premiere的信心啊。



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