Adobe After Effects CC文章源自狐狸影视城-https://fox-studio.net/11561.html
把不可能变为可能与新的,更多的连接 After Effects® CC 。得到这样一个动态 3D 管线,带来 CINEMA 4D 的场景,图层强大的新功能 – 无需中间渲染。直接从应用程序内分享工作,并能获得新的功能,他们释放的时刻。文章源自狐狸影视城-https://fox-studio.net/11561.html
After Effects CC (12.2.1) 修复功能摘要文章源自狐狸影视城-https://fox-studio.net/11561.html
修复输出的音频采样率被重置为最低值 (通常为 8kHz) 的输出模块设置对话框。文章源自狐狸影视城-https://fox-studio.net/11561.html
修复 QuickTime 的输出文件在年底与音频编解码器的某些,包括出口的 ProRes 时有额外的帧。文章源自狐狸影视城-https://fox-studio.net/11561.html
修复清洗用的命令在 After Effects 上使用逗号作为小数点分隔符系统不正常的磁盘缓存。文章源自狐狸影视城-https://fox-studio.net/11561.html
试图从 Illustrator 17.1(以及基于这些 Illustrator 文件从其他应用程序文件) 中创建的文件读取时间的 XMP 元数据时, After Effects 出现崩溃。这是现在对 CC(12.2.1) 修复,但同样的错误格式的文件可能会导致在 After Effects 中以前版本的问题; 看到这个页面的因应措施的影响后,以前版本的细节。文章源自狐狸影视城-https://fox-studio.net/11561.html
我们还修复与输出文件的名称和位置的模板了几个 bug 。文章源自狐狸影视城-https://fox-studio.net/11561.html
更多更新: http://blogs.adobe.com/aftereffects/2014/02/after-effects-cc-12-2-1-bug-fix-update.html 文章源自狐狸影视城-https://fox-studio.net/11561.html
官网: http://www.adobe.com/products/aftereffects.html 文章源自狐狸影视城-https://fox-studio.net/11561.html
Adobe After Effects CC文章源自狐狸影视城-https://fox-studio.net/11561.html
Make the impossible possible with the new, more connected After Effects® CC. Get powerful new features like a Live 3D Pipeline that brings CINEMA 4D scenes in as layers — without intermediate rendering. Share work directly from within the application and get access to new features the moment they』re released. 文章源自狐狸影视城-https://fox-studio.net/11561.html
summary of what』s fixed in After Effects CC (12.2.1)文章源自狐狸影视城-https://fox-studio.net/11561.html
- Dragging a folder of source items into the Project panel did not import the source items. This is now fixed.
- The output audio sample rate was reset to the lowest value (often 8kHz) in the Output Module Settings dialog box. This is now fixed.
- QuickTime output files had extra frames at the end when exporting with audio to certain codecs, including ProRes. This is now fixed.
- Purging of the disk cache using the commands in After Effects did not function on systems that use comma as decimal separator. This is now fixed.
- After Effects crashed when attempting to read temporal XMP metadata from files created by Illustrator 17.1 (as well as files from other applications based on those Illustrator files). This is now fixed for After Effects CC (12.2.1), but the same badly formed files can cause problems in previous versions of After Effects; see this page for details of a workaround for previous versions of After Effects.
- We also fixed several bugs related to output file name and location templates.
- More update: http://blogs.adobe.com/aftereffects/2014/02/after-effects-cc-12-2-1-bug-fix-update.html
Home: http://www.adobe.com/products/aftereffects.html文章源自狐狸影视城-https://fox-studio.net/11561.html